A few days ago

A question for any teachers out there…a quick one…?

Its my first year teaching french to 12th graders and i want to know if some1 can suggest any other techniques for testing the student’s skills other than tests and examinations. Thanks.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

get them to act out a scene… you write it down in englsh for them what u want the storyline to be, then they go off and work in groups and then they have to use the french they know… and then perform their little play infront of the class…

or you could start with “A” (or the first leeter in the french alaphabet…cant do french!) and get the first person to shout out a word beginning with “A” and then u go round the class till u reach the last person, and if there is more students than there is ltters u can start again with “A”…

or you could get them to come up to you one at a time in the middle of class (set the rest of the class to do some written work) and then just start talking to them in french and assess how they reply, maybe cover a few topics or use certain specific qustions to asses each student with

maybe u could get them to write a short story?

or like once every month you could have one lesson where the room is in silence and you ask the children to write about what they have done in the past month, without using dictionarys? (if thats not too hard for them) …

hope these ideas help! and good look 🙂 and hope ur first year of teaching goes well nd doesnt put you off teaching for the rest of ur life! lmao


A few days ago
Watch a movie that is in French only without any subtitles. Have the converse about the movie in French when it’s over. Ask questions and see if they can answer anything that would measure verbal expression as well as listening comprehension. Good Luck!

A few days ago
Put some postcards into a box. Each student takes a card (without looking) and talks about it.



A few days ago
Artsy Nanna
Divide them into groups (or let them choose their group) of 2-3 and let them create a skit to present to the class. Set parameters for their skits. (It was fun in Spanish class.) Ask each group to also present how they came up with the idea and format for the skit.

A few days ago
Try a conversation.