A few days ago
candace b

What does it mean to “chase a red herring”?

I’ve heard this term used many times, and I am not quite sure what it means or how to use it. Also, is this a colloquialism or a euphemism?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to “win” an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic. Its a euphemism.

4 years ago
Meaning Of Red Herring

6 years ago
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What does it mean to "chase a red herring"?
I've heard this term used many times, and I am not quite sure what it means or how to use it. Also, is this a colloquialism or a euphemism?


A few days ago
milton b
A red herring is a real type of preserved fish. Red herring are very smelly and because they were so strong they were used to lay down a scent trail for training tracking dogs. The term has come to mean to follow a false scent.

A few days ago
first of all a red herring is a misleading clue, or something thats not even a clue but is just misleading in your case and soemtimes brings you to a wrong conclusion, sometimes planted deliberatly.

if your chasing it, youre going after the wrong thing, basically


i dont think it is a colloquialism, but a real and proper word..


5 years ago
I have thought about that question since I was very young. Seems to me if from birth if a person sees blue instead of red and red instead of blue then maybe they could live most or all of their lifetime never knowing that.

A few days ago
I remember this from Scooby Doo. I am sure it probably came from somewhere else, but that is where I remember it from.

A few days ago
its used in the book “And Then There Were None” by Agatha Christie

A few days ago
such a princess
to go on a wild goose chase