A few days ago
I am Sunshine

☼ Can you write a little tale that ends with the line…….?

“And that is when the space alien demanded that I give him your address….I swear….HE DEMANDED!!”

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“So, why did you ask me to come here with you today?” I nervously giggled and looked at my ex-girlfriend.

“Yesterday,one of your little space alien friend visited me.” She stared at me angrily and said.”Did you said anything about me to him?”

“Actually, his UFO went out of fuel,so he came to me and asked me if I know any noisy person since he uses the noise level of a person as fuel for his UFO,and the first thing I thought of is you. So, I talked about you a little bit.” I said, “And that is when the space alien demanded that I give him your address….I swear….HE DEMANDED!!”


A few days ago
So there I was……sitting there, enjoying my iced tea, minding my own. All of the sudden a curious light started to glow off in the distance. Soft and subtle at first, but nontheless, beckoning me. As the light pulsed and grew brighter I found a desire stirring within myself to investigate. Without realizing, I set the drink down, the sweat from the glass cool on my warm hands. I started briskly toward the glow. “Strange in the mid-day sun”, I thought.

As I crested a small tree-lined ridge, I found the source. A comical little creature staring at his wreckage turned to stare at me. I was amused at how similar this other-wordly being acted to a plain-Jane human after a car wreck. Upset and utter disbelief at the wreck.

Suddenly, he came over to me waving his large, green finger. He said, “Take me to your leader. I need this reported to my insurance!”

“And that is when the space alien demanded that I give him your address….I swear….HE DEMANDED!!”


A few days ago
Sorry, Dorothy the giant ape from outer space is still under super secret military quarantine, can’t speak English, and everyone who’d be talking to her is on the enormous spaceship Alice, so — no addresses!

In the meantime, how about my favorite space alien music video:

Or this one:



A few days ago
Yes, I’m a published author… but why would I want to?