A few days ago

Should people have a test to see if they are eligible to go to the nest grade?

In my state (Florida) you have to pass something called “FCAT” do you think that its fair to take a test just to prove that you learned something this year??? My personal opinion is o mid-terms and finals are enough

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There are many “tests” in life. The one you have to do for the next grade is probably not the most difficult thing you will ever have to do in your life. It is just one of those things that may be an irritation but in the overall scheme of things is not a big deal.

A few days ago
I thinks so because like they say everything builds up and if you really didn’t grasp what was taught then whats the point of going to the next grade? To get even more lost? If the test is just to see if you learned something sure its fair tax money is being spent to teach you its only fair for them to test you to make sure you are learning what you need to for whatever grade your in and parents taxes are not being wasted.If you didn’t do well it could only be the teachers fault for not giving you the information you need,the schools fault for not providing the teacher what she needed for her teach or your fault for not studying what he/she taught. (Not intending to be mean by saying your Fault) I don’t like test at all but to be realistic i guess its fair.

A few days ago
It sucks but it is something that you are just going to have to deal with. Those tests aren’t so much about having to prove what you have learned as they are about being able to compare your school to other schools in the state.

A few days ago
I think its VERY unfair. WE have the EOIs (end of instruction) exams