A few days ago

SAT II + AP + FBLA etc etc etc ugh senior year =/?

ok so its my senior year

i plan to take the SAT next oct and SAT II in US History in november

Im taking 3 APs and i think colleges are apathetic about APs and College Now Programs (i have 16 or so college credits total so far, by graduation i would have 24 or 26)

i plan to take ONE SAT II, only one (should i take it or not) in US History. i practiced using the barrons book today two tests, both scored 780-790ish (pretty simple compared to AP)

the thing is i know some colleges require two, but what if i only take one?

i plan to join FBLA and arista this year…

will this look good for college at all?

im doing volunteer work too that surpass the graduation requirement so basically

1) College Now

2) Volunteer work

3) 4 AP classes (3 this year, 1 last year)


5) Arista

6) Aim to score 1700+ at least on SAT

7) Historical Honor society (last year)

8) SAT II in US History ONLY

will those look good?

im not ranting at all since i know most people do better than me ugh

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I know one thing for sure:

If colleges see you joined a club your senior year just to “beef up” your high school resume, it hurts your chances of getting in. Colleges want you to join clubs that you are truly interested in and have a passion for.

TAKE TWO SUBJECT TESTS! Most colleges that require SAT II tests require at least two subject tests. If you only take one subject test and they require two, they won’t even look at your application. Just take two, it can’t hurt.

Good luck with colleges, I’m a senior too.


4 years ago
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