A few days ago

Need help unscrambling words!?

hoot tetsay …… These are the words. They do not have to have the same number of letters as shown. My son’s teacher gave his class this puzzle, and said it hasn’t been solved in 10 years. Help me out here folks. It will get my son some extra credit. Thanks!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

What do you mean by “They don’t have to have the same number of letters as shown”?

I don’t think this is what you mean, but if I can omit one letter from each word and unscramble it, it could come out as:

hot state

But i am incredibly doubtful on this…


A few days ago
*mommy to be #1*
hot tea! haha thats totally pry not it…but u said u dont have to use all the letters so thats all i got…

A few days ago
i dont get what you mean by there are more letters

A few days ago
hoot tetsay

they sat too ?

haha, i dont know.


to say?