A few days ago
Devil Of the Spades

My IQ is 125 is that mean im Dumb? and what the highest IQ can normal people can get?

My IQ is 125 is that mean im Dumb? and what the highest IQ can normal people can get?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

No, you are not dumb at all, that is an above average score .. I have a 141, congrats, we are both more knowledgable than most of society 🙂

Over 140 – Genius or near genius

120 – 140 – Very superior intelligence

110 – 119 – Superior intelligence

90 – 109 – Normal or average intelligence

80 – 89 – Dullness

70 – 79 – Borderline deficiency

Under 70 – Definite feeble-mindedness


A few days ago
It’s the same IQ as George Bush, so that might be good or bad, depends where you sit on the political spectrum.

There is no “highest IQ” but the absolute prodigal geniuses usually score in the 200’s.

Mine is 146, and I took a real IQ test, not the ones online.

Average IQ is 100 by the way


A few days ago
I think genius is at liek 140 or something like that. I know and IQ of 60-90 is a learning delayed, below 60 is classed at mental retardation….mind you these numbers are from when I was younger and I’m sure they have changed some. I woudl guess that you are of average intelligence.

keep in mind that depending on the test, the name of the test and how it was administered can and will make a difference in the IQ


A few days ago
Level 7 is Best
If you have a verifiable 125, you’re doing well, very well. It puts you in the top 10% of humanity. There is no theoritical limit to IQ, though some have been documented at near 200, which is less than one in a million.

A few days ago
fyi 60-90 is not “learning delayed”…the correct IQ scaling for persons of mental retardation only goes up to 70. And IQ testing is not a successful and divinitive picture of a person’s intelligence…all it is used for in the medical community is to determine the general intelligence and functioning analysis.

A few days ago
I truly hope this is not your language because if it is I don’t believe you got a 125, more like 25 unless you are a 6yo but even then we learn to say “DOES THAT MEAN” the first day at school at age 5..