A few days ago
inuyasha addict

is the IQ testi on Tickle real?

you the PHD certified IQ test on tickle? is it for real or not? does it give you ur real IQ?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Is it real?

My cat took the test (don’t ask how I got him to select each answer – lol) and obtained a score of 135. Pretty smart cat, eh?

Nope! The test is falsely normed and does not take into account chance answers. Read what really goes into norming an I.Q. test by reading the scoring manual of either the WISC or Woodcock-Johnson – legitimate tests.

But, hey, it’s all in fun anyway – just don’t go around bragging about your I.Q. when obtained on tickle


A few days ago
No. Actual IQ tests cost a lot of money to take it and must be administered by a professional.

And by the way, most online IQ tests tend to overestimate. A LOT.

The average IQ is 100.

86% of the population (the HUGE majority) is below 115.

And only 2% is above 130.

There’s only .02% possibility for someone to score over 145.

Einstein’s IQ was 160.

So… pretty much any online IQ test is full of bologna.

But even “real” tests are not that accurate…



A few days ago
!ts _a_ type
I’m a big fan of tickle, and done many tests there. It is basically true, since it’s PHD certified, and I’ve actually seen the full report, which does tell you how they calculate their IQ, and how they came to that conclusion, & also in which areas you excel.

A few days ago
Future Engineer
No, most probably not. Mainly because real complete IQ tests compile your results from a series of different evaluations of the different levels of human intelligence (abstract, visual, verbal etc), and you can’t do that with a 20 min multiple choice test online.

A few days ago
IQ is a meaningless number. If it is “real” or “not” doesn’t matter. It still doensn’t mean anything.

A few days ago
its me (:
i think so it can be just full of pop ups that can give you computer viruses so i dont think that it would be such a great idea taking it but yeah it is an acurate test.

A few days ago
i never finished 2 many questions