A few days ago

is it OK to say .. What would you like for lunch? is it correct?

If I am a waitress is that the right way to say it ..?

any suggestions?

Thank you..

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Yes it is correct but only at lunchtime ๐Ÿ˜‰

you could say “what can i get you to eat” or “have you selected from the menu” or “are you ready to order” its a matter of saying what you are comforatble with, and as long as you are polite and friendly the customers will be delighted i’m sure. ๐Ÿ˜‰ H


A few days ago
How about handing them the menus and saying Hi, my name is _______, I will be your server this afternoon, is there anything I can get your to drink? and then after you get the drinks ask them if they need more time to look at the menu.

EDIT: remember to smile!


A few days ago
milky s
Maybe add a ‘sir’/’ma’am’ at the back. ๐Ÿ™‚

i.e. What would you like for lunch, sir? / What would you like for lunch, ma’am?


A few days ago
Of course. It is very polite. It’s much better than, “What can I get ya?”

A few days ago
It is absolutely right.