A few days ago

IELTS or TOEFL which exam is easy to pass out?..which one is easy to clear?..which one is easy to attend?

hi…guys pls….help me out?….am in dilema?……abt these exams…..which one is quite easy guys?….

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
S Sami

Favorite Answer

Actually…i don’t see any difference between them. It all depends on which university you need it for. So, first decide on the country that you’d like to go and see which (TOEFL or IELTS) is accepted there. TOEFL is American English and IELTS is British…see which one you can do better and feel more comfortable with and GO FOR IT!!!

Good luck!


A few days ago
Discovering new things
Well, I think if you have enough time, then you should go for the IELTS as you could perform very well on the test if you have done enough exercises . On the other hand, the TOEFL is more like a test that to figure out your English skill; even though tons of questions in the reading section come from the science category , the thing really is that you can get ALL answers from those passages if you have solid English skill. I think the writing part in the TOEFL is kinda easy as the topic you need to write is not real hard. In other words, if you don’t feel like studying for the test and you have good English skill, then I suggest you to take the Toefl. Good luck.

5 years ago
I think IELTS is a bit easier because it last shorter that TOEFL. We also have a chance to meet face-to-face with the interviewer. IELTS is more active while iBT TOEFL is more passive because you deal with internet for about 4 hours where you only have 10 minutes break in between. It can be a backbreaking test. It actually depends on your own comfort. If you are familiar with American English then take TOEFL and the otherwise. Most university now either in US or UK and AUSI accept both.