A few days ago
RocknRy 2

What is the process for getting your child tested for a learning disability?

What is the process for getting your child tested for a learning disability?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

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Depending on the state education standards, but this is what it usually goes like.

1) problems must be occuring such as the child is struggling with concepts in the class.

2) teacher begins a process (Often called Student Assistant Team or SAT) where as she must try different teaching methods and alterations to curriculum. She/he must document what is being done in the classroom. This process has a time standard to it, such as a few months where the teacher must try other things and document the outcomes.

3) SAT team meeting, to go over teacher documentation and decided if testing needs to be done.

4) SAT paperwork is then forwarded to the districts special education dept.

5) Special Ed reviews it for completeness and may accept the SAT packet as is or may request other things the teacher should try.

6) If testing is decided then a Individual Education Plan (IEP)Meeting is called. This is where the parents, teachers, administrators and school diagnostician putrs together an Evaluation Plan. This plan basically states what areas need to be tested such as academic, IQ, processing, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy or any other related services.

7) Most states have a time requirement from the Eval Plan date to the time testing must be done and another IEP to go over testing is set. In my district this time limit is 60 days.

8) Based on diganostic testing services will be rendered as to what the child needs assistance with.

Yes it seems slow and tediuis and it starts with the teacher. If the teacher doesn’t do the SAT then things will never happen. I have seen kids where the teachers don’t want to bother with SAT and it is really sad!!

Edit: I forgot to add that vision and hearing needs to be checked and passed before testing will commence. Usually can be done my the school nurse but if problems show up you may have to take him to get glasses or further ear examinations.


A few days ago
If your child attends a public school in the US and is struggling or grades are suffering in school simply submit a letter in writing to your school district. You can hand it to the principal, but it will likely go to the school psychologist. Depending on the district they have about 15 days to either present you with an assessment plan to assess your child as requested or to give you a letter explaining why they will not assess your child. If your child is an on the honor role and consistently doing well in school they will not assess even if he does have a disability because it is obviously not affecting his performance at school.

A few days ago
It is your right as a parent to request that the school district test your child. Don’t let them tell you any different. You can Call an sst (student study team). Call the school psychologist and your child’s teacher. Some districts are better than others, but most aren’t. You have to be the squeaky wheel and demand it.

A few days ago
Mike G
Get in touch, either on your own or through the schools with a child psychologist who can administer the necessary tests. They are awfully specialized, and wont be cheap to administer, but if you want it done properly you need someone who is specially trained and licensed.

A few days ago
The public school system is your best source. Earlier the better. If that is the case there is a lot of things available to you depending on the severity.

A few days ago
A parent can also make a referral if they feel their child needs to be tested.