A few days ago

What is the meaning of this quote?

“You see things; and you say “Why?” But I dream things that never were; and I say “Why Not?”

– George Bernard Shaw

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Mr Shaw is basically making a comparison between himself and someone else/other people. He’s saying that the other lacks imagination. The other’s ideas are limited. The other ponders about the ‘here and now’. He’s saying that, in contrast, he does not worry about what already is; instead he imagines what could be. He is creative, inventive and visionary in comparison to the other. For him, ‘the sky is the limit’ (to use another quote/cliche)

Sadly out of luck, you are very wise and perceptive for a 12 year old!


A few days ago
This is only my interpretation. The first line means you see so many wrong and evil things in this world and you wonder why does this happen, it could be so much better, yet we are almost always helpless to do anything to change it. The second line is the persons thoughts on what a perfect world is, and the things they see in their perfect world they dont see in reality. Then they ask, Why? Now that I read it again it does sound like a inventor or entrepreneur.

A few days ago
He is saying that people question things in life..their existance, their use, how things are possible, and might not beleve in them. Then he dreams things: his goals, a new idea, solutions to problems, and he questions/challenges why the can’t be possible. Basically, believe and dream and put your mind to your goals..with effort and belief you can achieve.

A few days ago
Not Very Sure,But That Os One Great Quote!

Do you Mind If I Use It??


A few days ago
what do i know im only 12
it’s saying that you can see thing and wonder why like inventions and stuff but yet why cant you make your own

thats what i believe but dont take my word on it im only 12


A few days ago
I think it means that you should be optimistic and look at the brighter side of things.

A few days ago
Sounds like he’s an inventor.
