A few days ago

please explain this quote?

“I got the message. All of us get the message, sooner or later. If you get it before it’s too late or before you’re too old, you’ll pull through all right.” – nat king cole

can someone explain this quote to me in simple terms, im slow, thanks in advance.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
Mindy, the hair fixer-upper

Favorite Answer

It just means that he understood something. Everyone understands it at some time. If you understand it at the right time, before it’s too late, you’ll be okay.

I just don’t know what it is that he was talking about. 🙂


5 years ago
The word “pen” might be seen as an allegory for the will of the person or people. Real change only really occurs with the will to do so. You can force a person or nation to change (sword), but in the end, all that is brought about is resentment, and second they get a chance to, people change back. Look at the Polish people. Look at how many times Poland was invaded through the centuries: the Russians, the Germans. And yet they remained Polish. They maintained their ideals. The idea never died. And when the media broadcast the Solidarity movement, everyone rallied for their cause. This is but one example; I doubt this page would be large enough to show you them all. The pen really IS mightier than the sword.

A few days ago
Judging from the first part of the quote on the page at the link below, I’d say it means he was being used for his money and fame.. and got himself in financial trouble due to it.. but it taught him a lesson. He got the message. The message in his case was to learn to be a bit more cautious of who he trusted and take care of himself and his own, first. He further says that if you are lucky, you learn your big lesson before you are too late or too old, and you change your actions accordingly and turn out ok.

A few days ago
It could have several different meanings, but to put it broadly into one context, it means that we’ll all eventually have our own definition of what life is all about, or what we’re meant to do, or what would make us truly happy, etc. And if we figure out what the question is before it’s too late to answer it, we may lead life the way we want to.

A few days ago
everyone understands whatever (i wonder what nat king cole was talking about ), it does not matter when, but they will be all right

i dont think i helped very much but i think you need to figure out what nat was talking about right before they said this.


A few days ago
I think he is talking about the meaning of life. Everybody finds out what the meaning of life sooner or later, but the sooner you find it out then the happier you might be.

A few days ago
Mark G
Could be a reference to drug abuse..?…


Nat King Cole died of lung cancer, so perhaps this is in reference to smoking.