A few days ago

Lord of the Flies Crossword + Quote help?

I still need these;

2. Smoke from the burning _ _ _ G _ _ attracts a ship, and Ralph is rescued from the savages just in time.

17. A pig’s head impaled on a _ _ _ C _; symbol the title

refers to.

20. Jack and Roger _ _ R _ _ _ _ the twins, forcing them to join their tribe.

ALSO; How do you interpret this quote?

“The theme is an attempt to trace defects of society back to defects of human nature. The moral is that the shape of a society must depend on the ethical nature of the individual and not any political system however apparently logical and respectable.”

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

2) Jungle

17) stick

20) threaten

The book discusses the human nature. It says that the human society depends on the human nature (which is destructive, according to the story) and not on any exterior political system that the society forces upon itself.


A few days ago
Paula B

#17 STIcK


I believe these are correct. Interpretation? hmmmm, I agree somewhat, but moreso I see the symbolism in the story.

the conch = order or government; Jack is sort of a Hitler figure, etc