A few days ago
roman d

james madison speech?

“if men were angels, no gov. would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither externals nor internal controls on gov. would be necessary”?

so i dont understand… whta is argument that the author is trying to make??. is he saying . man. CANT. GOV. THEMSELFS?? or what ??

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“If men were angels, no gov would be necessary…”

If men were as perfect as angels, we wouldn’t have to work to come up with a human government. Therefore no government would be necessary.

.”‘If angels were to govern men….”

Men wouldn’t need any controls created by themselves if they could rely on the divine..

THEREFORE, since men are NOT angels, and the DIVINE does not govern us, WE PEOPLE must establish a sound government with various checks and balances to insure a sound government. Men CAN and MUST govern themselves.


A few days ago
If men were angels (perfect and would not make mistakes )….or If angels were in control of men ( they wouldn’t allow men to make mistakes)……….means that men in government are fallible (can make mistakes)….

so….men can govern themselves but must have oversight

It means that we must have people watching our elected officials to keep them honest. That we cannot just take for granted that they will be honest and always do the right things.

lately in the news you have been hearing about this with the Senate Judiciary Committe that is over seeing actions that the Bush administration has been up to….they are attempting to determine whether the Bush administration has been guilty of any wrong doing concerning the invasion of Americans Constitutional rights to privacy

( tapping of phones, listening in on cell phones, home invasions, interception of mail….that type of thing )