A few days ago

why are they so hyped up?

My daughter can’t wait to go to school and get supplies. but after she’s there for a long time she wishes it was summer. Why are kids always so hyped up to go back to school???

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Haha, I’m like that aswell. She’s excited to see all of her friends that she hasn’t seen over the summer. Or possibly, the boys she’s had crushes on. She might even be excited to find out what teacher(s) she’ll get, or who will be in her class(es). It’s also exciting to see how everyone’s changed…new hairstyles, grown, no braces, no glasses anymore…etc. This soon changes after the first week, as you get into the whole routine again. It gets old, seeing the same faces each day, the same teachers and textbooks. Then, summer comes again!

A few days ago
Shes excited for the fresh new start, a chance to be anything you want.

By the middle of the school year everything is so standard and you have nothing new to look forward to.


A few days ago
Sara S
I just graduated highschool, and i can remember those days. I think it’s all about getting to go shopping, getting bought new stuff, and all that jazz!