A few days ago

Why are standard grammer and mechanics important to career sucess?

I have to complete a journal entree for this question and Im looking for different answers to help me with my question

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

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First, The written word is important for long term communications, the exchange of information and in text books for the purpose of specialized information. ALso for preservation of history for those who follow.There is a basic problem in any communications, especially the spoken word. If the person who is speaking or writing presents his information precisely in the meaning intended, does his listener or reader comprehend the meaning of the information as it is intended. If your grammar is not precise or the words used do not convey your exact thoughts or intentions you then risk that the reader or listener will not interpret what you have presented the way you want it understood. You should, in all writing, avoid cliches, slang and the use of words in other than precise meanings. Here is just one abrasive example – “What is your take on the speech”. What does the word “Take” have to do with comprehension of a speech? More and more writers are resorting to common slang to try to follow current fads in speech but at the same time not presenting the ideas they wish to convey in a manner that has definitive meaning and leaves no room for interpretation or ambiguity. When you are writing you must remember that it may be preserved for years to come. The future reader must be able to understand your original meaning if your ideas are to have lasting value. It is true that languages are :Living” and meanings of some words have changed over time but we do have dictionaries to remind us of the origins and acceptable use of words. If the language varies too much we would have the same situation as exists in China. Though the written word remains standard and has not changed in thousands of years, the spoken word had changed to the extent that there are now at least 157 dialects. In some cases people in villages separated by a mountain cannot communicate with each other without an interpreter. The English language is becoming like this at an alarming rate. One other point – in the spoken conversation, people who are describing some incident or personal experience often say “Ya know?” In fact how can the listner know. They asked the original question to obtain the information. If they knew what the respondent was saying the question need not have been asked. Be precise in your choice of words and how you use those words. Say exactly what you mean. Then your reader or listner will be less likely to say “I though you meant….”

A few days ago
standard grammar is important because no one of importance will take you seriously if you can’t speak and write properly. when you get older, say in college, and you want to get a decent job and live a good life (poverty sucks by the way), then you need to be able to communicate ideas in an intelligent way. and the real world doesn’t care about your background or how cool and fast you can talk and text, or how nice it must be to wear your hat sideways and talk like a fool.

4 years ago
that’s not that vast of a deal. that’s the internet. I used to get annoyed approximately stuff like that too. Then i found out I even have extra useful issues to do then get uptight over something so trivial.

A few days ago
Because the way you write and articulate project your intelligence and abilty to prospective employers.