A few days ago

What worries you most about public education today?

Is it the lack of discipline in young people today?

Is it an increase in violent incidents in schools?

Is it the number of kids who think education is a waste of time?

What is your biggest concern about the educational system in the US?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

All of the above. But, as a teacher with over 20 years of experience I think the biggest problem is the lack of discipline, which leads to the increase in violence and the increase in the number of students who think education is a waste of time. Young people don’t value education; they don’t value the discipline one needs to be successful. Anything of value takes work and discipline–which unfortunately, most young people just don’t get.

Unfortunately, the answer is not more testing (as mandated by the No Child Left Behind legislation). The answer is getting parents involved and children actively engaged in the learning process. One can only hope.


A few days ago
What worries me most here in CA is the influx of illegal immigrants. It’s bankrupting the whole educational system. You can’t teach all of CA, AND most of Latin America, and expect to get a quality education. There just isn’t enough resources to go around. Especially if the president is spending all our money in Iraq!

A few days ago
violence and the absence of God!