A few days ago

What’s a great way of finding out if a teacher will write you a great college recommendation?

Without outright asking them, if they will say that you’re an amazing student?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Triple Threat

Favorite Answer

Only you can judge this based on your relationships with your teachers. Honestly, the best thing to do really IS to talk to them personally. Talk to the teachers you like the most, who have influenced you the most, who you get along with well, the classes your doing good in….if you don’t talk or ask, they won’t know that you need or want a college recommendation! I asked most of my teachers for them back when i was in HS, and they never had any problems writing one, infact I think it makes them feel good and appreciated! Its a recommendation, they won’t give you a bad one.

A few days ago
Bob W.
Seriously…ask them. My dad is a teacher, and his policy has been that he will be honest with the student as to what kind of recommendation he will give.

Short of that, pick teachers in classes where you have participated a lot. If the teacher notices you positively, they will reflect that in their recommendations. If you do any extra-curricular activities (sports, clubs, band, theater, etc), the teachers that run those are great sources, because they’ve seen you working outside of the classroom environment too and will often include that information.


A few days ago
Do you feel comfortable asking them ANYTHING directly?

If so, then go up and ask them how they think you’d do at such and such school…or with such and such a major. Or ask them to help you decide between majors. If they say positive things about your abilities, then you know what things they’ll focus on if they write a recommendation. If you go that route, be sure to be really nice and thankful towards them.

People are almost ALWAYS nicer to those that are nice to them.

If you don’t get the warm and fuzzies from them, best not to ask for their recommendation.

By the way, did the teacher give you good grades? It’s funny how some tests and such can be individually “curved” to benefit the teacher’s pets….


A few days ago

I would just reflect on your relationship with this teacher. If everything has been positive between the two of you and you were able to maintain good grades I definitely would doubt a recommendation being written. Good Luck.


A few days ago
old lady
Ask them for a recommendation, if you think you have done well in their class. And ask for recommendations from other teachers as well. If any of the recommendations are lukewarm, you don’t have to submit them. Just choose the one that gives you the best rating.

A few days ago
Alyssa S
find a teacher that you have a good standing with and knows u on an academic level as well as a person. (example, i asked my teacher who is also the advisor of the school newspaper – which i’m on)