A few days ago

What happened? Please Answer!!!?

From kindergarden to 4th grade I had been a social butterfly. But then in 5th grade we moved to another school for half the school year. I had made one friend there. And then I came bach to were I lived before but to a different elementary school for the next half of 5th grade. Made friends to. All of a sudden in middle school I am not social at all anymore! And now in highschool I have trouble making friends cuz im so shy. What happened to me? I’ve always wondered this. Please Answer!

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
Lil Blousou

Favorite Answer

Same thing happened to me. It could be just your natural temperament, especially now that your hormones are fluctuating as you begin to go from a girl to a woman.

It can be a good thing, because it makes you go deeper, you find yourself now. You slow down and don’t make as many mistakes.

I knew another girl who kept her boldness in high school and beyond. She ended up having no reservations and sleeping with guys, getting diseases and has severe depression, mood problems now in her 30s.

I am glad I got more introverted and shy in high school because it kept me more pure and not doing stupid things. If I could look back though and guide you so you don’t stay introverted like me…

you are going to have to 1) honor that turning within in yourself, try to look into yoga and meditation to take ti even further, make it productive and 2) don’t let yourself get to withdrawn, you are going to have to push your comfort level and make sure you socialize enough. Figure out what your passions are (i.e. art, music, sports, other fun things, clubs, volunteer, etc) and participate in them. When you find more like-minded people, you will naturally start to come out and this will start to come out in the other areas of your life.

Look at it as a gift. Most people have so many distractions with popularity, they never find out who they are until they have a mid-life crisis in 40s, etc. Your body and mind are naturally slowing you down, use it as a time to go within and find out what your passions are, then talk action and the rest will happen naturally.

And don’t worry too much, you’re young, it’s natural for some of us. Moving a lot as a young kid can be stressful! It was important part of your life that is now influencing you still.


A few days ago
Something similar happened to me too. I was pretty social up until 9th grade, but then in 10th grade I started being more withdrawn and a lot less confident, and I didn’t know why. But it ended up being okay, I eventually got over it…not that I’m back to the way I was before, but I think I got a better idea of who I really am. Now I think I”m a lot more comfortable with myself and don’t worry so much about other people’s opinions. I’m not sure if this is exactly what happened to you, but I think if you can get a realistic idea of who you are and where you belong, it will help πŸ™‚

A few days ago
I am that way exactly

K to 4th I was a social butterfly too

Then in 5th it just stopped

In 8th though I got ALOT louder but not totality

In 9th I went to new school and had trouble talking

And so on


A few days ago
Sound like,some place in your life your parents told you not to talk to strangers.Now you find it hard to trust.So you look before you speak.That shy thing start from home.But it goes away,just as soon as you be your self and not your parents.Find you in a room and not them.I mean if you are between your dad and mom,step back or step forward,just see you.I was in the six grade when my teacher told me.Find you,just your self.Nothing else.Just you.Not what you want to be,later,next day,last night.Just you. Not the one friend or the new friend,not even the none friends.Look for you,be you,see you.You,yourself,I,Me.Just be your self,not the others.

A few days ago
you r more concious of your surrondings and the moving experence has changed you buy if u r really a social butterfly things will go back to the way things were

A few days ago
middle school is alot diffent than elementry… its scarey and thats when cliques are made. people find out who they are and unlike in kindergarden u just can go up to someone and ask them to be your friend… you have to find your kind of people

A few days ago
yeah somethin like that happened to me kinda too.

but really, people change I guess. you’re probably just figuring out who you are because these years are crazy like that haha πŸ™‚ don’t sweat it. just be who you are and it’s all good. don’t look back on the past too much, you’re still growing! πŸ™‚