A few days ago

What do you do if school really boring?

Every lesson you encounter is really hard…And you need to listen to pass, but its just too boring…

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If you are bored with every lesson from different teachers then consider that it is you.

Try to concentrate.

Take careful notes.

Do not be distracted and do something else or talk to your neighbors.

Look for the relationships between eh things that you are being taught.


A few days ago
If you are 13-16 hang in there, if you are finding it too frustrating by the time your 17 then you should quit. Remember not all people with fantastic jobs have gone all the way through school. However if your not finding it so miserable to quit then i suggest picking electives that you enjoy. If your non-academic then go for sport or art. This will make it so that you will get a break from the compulsary subjects like English and Maths.

A few days ago
You are probably finding the lessons hard because you aren’t listening, make the effort.

You are going to find out that life is not all about excitement. When you get a job you will find there will always be a part of it that bores you to death. Mine was filing, hated it, but it must be done and if I wanted to keep my job I did it.

There are many things in life we must do that we don’t want to. That is all part and parcel of living, we can’t get by in life just doing what we want. Do what you must.


A few days ago
Try to concentrate on the lesson. If you have your book try to follow with your book. At least while reading, you will understand it better and maybe there are ex. If it still won’t do an energizer

A few days ago
Lynanna l
school is not really boring if you have friends to share and do group assignments,you only make it boring because you want to.life in school in an aventure itself, you discover a lot ,it help you grow to be what you want in life. It help you decide to the path you want to take.

A few days ago
School is really important. I’m in year 11 right now, and it sucks. But its really important to listen. School isnt meant to be interesting, its meant to help you learn and eventually get the career you want.

A few days ago
I have the same problem I doodle or play with my pens or clean my ears with my lead pencil with metal tip it feels good LOL

A few days ago
when i reached in high school that time i had this problem so what i use to do is take som cheeps and softdrink with me in the class and do my work

A few days ago
You can approach your teacher/s and discuss your problem.Can you ask your teacher to vary her teaching approach make it interactive meaning involving the students in the learning process.

A few days ago
live for the weekend and remember go to school to make big money later