A few days ago


I want to know the following about Saturn:

What colour can you see on Saturn?
What does Saturn's ring made of?
Who and when discovered Saturn?
What temperture is Saturn during day and night?
What is the weather like on Saturn?
Does Saturn have any moons? If yes, name and describe them.


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
— What does Saturn's ring made of?
Saturn has a prominent system of rings, consisting mostly of ice particles with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust.

–Who and when discovered Saturn?
This started because John Herschel—son of William Herschel, discoverer of Mimas and Enceladus—suggested doing so in his 1847 publication Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Cape of Good Hope,[49] because they were the sisters and brothers of Cronos (the Greek Saturn).

–What temperture is Saturn during day and night?
Whereas temperatures on Saturn are normally -185 °C (-301 °F), temperatures on the vortex often reach as high as -122 °C (-187.6 °F).

–Does Saturn have any moons?
Sixty known moons orbit the planet. Titan, Saturn's largest and the Solar System's second largest moon (after Ganymede),