A few days ago


1: 1980同1909年的英文點寫?
2: 時間既11點9點寫?
3: 頭咕,束髮帶,橡筋英文係??
4: 我地有時用either後就加or,咁點解要用either呢?就咁用or唔得咩??
5: prosibility同probability有咩分別?
6: accommodation,apartment同address有咩唔同?
7: 點分 i had not receive同 i have not receive??
8: this is mr.chan 同this is a dog中,點解dog個到要加a,前句就唔洗? 
9: i wear with ear ring 同i waer in t-shirt 中點分幾時用with同in?
10: does he play the guitar in the afternoon ?no,he doesn't,he plays the accordion中點解可用現在式?同埋係唔係he does 後面個verb 唔洗加s??

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