A few days ago

My summer school teacher told us the Holocaust didn’t really happen- it was an exaggeration when a waiter . .

dumped soup on Hitler’s head, and Hitler slapped the waiter. The whole thing was over in one lunch, is that true?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Your teacher did not pay attention when she was in school, she must have been daYDREAMING about a boy. Tell your princible what she told you. She is a bold face liar.

A few days ago
Well, this is, for some, a great debate, and for others, a great affront. But, for you, it is a test of your thinking…and I would have to say you are doing well and pass with an “A”.

Learning to question is vital in the education process. The fact that you question “authority” in an non-confrontation manner is admirable.

If you can follow the foot steps of Socrates, you will be a great student and teacher of life.

Listening carefully to statements and arguments of others, and asking probing questions to draw them out more and more will ultimate lead to a very integrated and consistent view of the speaker’s position…or it will reveal the incomplete, disjointed, and inconsistent and perhaps flawed reasoning of the speaker.

You don’t have to “fight” by direct argument/counter argument. Ask for some supporting details in a non-threatening way, “I’m curious, what was the waiter’s name?”, “So does that mean he didn’t want dessert?”, “What was the waiter’s religion?” “So if that accident didn’t happen, are you saying that maybe Hitler wouldn’t have hated the Jews?” or maybe even “Someone told me it was in a tailors shop and that the tailor accidentally stuck Hitler with a pin when the tailor was making adjustments to Hitler’s suit!”

So rather than get drawn into a shouting match over this issue, just remember some key points:

1) Everyone has an opinion, and that opinions are like sex (gender): every one has one, and its not necessarily right or wrong.

2) Arguing, shouting, and fighting draws more energy from emotion than reason and rationale thought and can escalate to wars. Discussions based on verifiable facts analyzed rationally can lead to understanding, consensus, compromise, and agreement (even if the agreement is, enough already, let’s stop for a while and come back to deal with this later….the problem hasn’t been solved, but at least we are not killing each other).

Sorry, I didn’t have a simple answer for your question…I wasn’t there, so I cannot attest to the truth of what happened in that restaurant…long before I was born anyway.

But I think it is much more important to learn how to learn and to strive to better understand how NOT to be mislead by authorities. And the best way to do that is to ask questions just as you did.

Hope this helps. Best wishes in your studies….and by the way, keep up the questioning.


A few days ago
Miss Rachel
That teacher is an idiot…there were around 6 million people killed during the Holocaust, it was VERY much real. Why else would Hitler be known at all for anything, besides having his own political party?? I would report that teacher..because that is a MAJOR mistake and should not have ever been said.

A few days ago
Well…Your summer school teacher is wrong. It did occur, 6 million people including Jews and others died. Hitler targeted the Jewish populations to annihilate them from “his” world. It was part of World War 2. In my opinion, those that feel it was an exaggeration and is false are not living in the same reality world as the rest of us. Instead of relying on this uneducated teacher’s remarks to you (summer school teacher) grab a few history books and read the information. It is horrific, yet interesting. I’ve met a Holocaust survivor. God Bless them.

A few days ago
Excuse me, but I have been to the Holocaust museum in Israel and personally know two Holocaust survivors. Sit with either of them for five minutes and listen to them and you will never doubt whether or not it occurred. The teacher needs an education and has a real problem.

A few days ago
I’m assuming this is a joke. If not, you need to report your teacher to the principal and/or your parents and school board.

There are many thousands of people still alive today who lived through the Holocaust. There are literally millions of pieces of evidence in museums around the world. It did happen.


A few days ago
No. I met a woman who fled to America with her parents and siblings, but all of her extended family–grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins–were killed. I know a man who lives on the other side of the country whose situation is very similar.

People like your summer school teacher are called Holocaust deniers. Holocaust denial is a curious phenomenon, but, as you can imagine, it is fairly offensive to Holocaust survivors and their families. It also has never been accepted by peer-reviewed scholarship or courts of law.


A few days ago
Agreed they are a moron…that teacher doesn’t know what they’re talking about. It’s a sad day when educators have to impose their idiotic and false views on impressionable students.

A few days ago
Yikes, what kind of a nut would say that? I think he/she is in denial. Please forgive this ignorant person, for he/she knows not what he/she says!

A few days ago
Your teacher is a moron.