A few days ago

is middle school…….?

is middle school scary on the first day??

how many class do u get??

what is the hardest class out of all the classes??

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

is not that bad its jus scary cuase you can’t find the clases were thery are in just five minitues that they give you so yeah

the first period is advisory the n the subects you get i 7clases al togherhter don’t worry it really fun wen u stetlled down..

for me it was english but its different for other people……………………goodluck \


A few days ago
Hey wassup latina.

Anyways…middle school,I’m in 7th well actually going to 7th in 2 days!

Middles School isn’t scary at all,I promis.

Well in 6th grade I got 6 but now that I am going to 7th I get 7. So you should get 6 I believe. My hardest class was Social Studies but you know what not everybody is the same maybe you wont have a hard class. Just go to school happy & posotive…!

I’m starting a new school & I don’t know anybody,which is hard for me.

My advice from a me to you is:

*focus on school work more than friends because that will lead you to the wrong direction if you focus on friends.

*be there on time & everyday or that will affect your attendence.

I’m Mykalann by the way,you just made yourself an online friend if that’s okay???

Hope I helped!



A few days ago
Its always scary on the first few days…You will get used to it in no time and you will wonder why you ever worried in the first place.

You get slowly transitioned into all your classes, they dont give you piles and piles of homework the first day..or ever really.

You will like it a lot!! Depending on the school you can get anywhere from 5-7 different classes.

I always thought the hardest was math..but u may be good in that subject. Science then perhaps?

Dont worry..You WILL get your locker number memorized and be able to open it..if not..there are ALWAYS people to help u..that is what they are there for.


A few days ago
It’s not that scary, you can get through it. You just need to pick it up a little bit at a time & you’ll do just fine, trust me 🙂

I had 8 periods a day, but that included lunch, gym, & specals

The hardest class for me was Honors Geometry, which I took in 8th grade. But you’ll be able to get through it whenever you take it, because (at least from what I hear) Algebra II is easier, and we have that after Geometry for some reason.


A few days ago
I’m going into 8th grade this year. You might be scared the first day, but, really there is nothing to freak you out. All you have to do on the first day is follow your schedule, and go to each class. At my school, in 7th grade, Pre-Algebra is the hardest class. But anyways, don’t worry about it. Your teachers will help you get used to passing period, and lockers. By the second day, you should have your locker, and be set. All you have to do, is learn how to watch time, and study, and get HW in. Once you get used to it, by the middle of the school year, you will be in a routine. Get up, go to school, 1hr, 2hr, and so on. Believe me, you get so used to it!

Hope 6th grade goes ok!

Hope this helped!



A few days ago
middle school was not scary for me

i only had 8 classes

the hardest class for me was math problems


A few days ago
it’s definitely not scary. you might have to learn a few stuff, like how to open and close your locker, where your classes are located, get used to new people and new teachers. my school had 7 classes, and the hardest was english, i think. of course that varies from school to school depending on your teacher. i’m in high school now, and i find english to be one of my easiest and best subjects.

A few days ago
Abby S
it is totally not scary there is nothing to be scared of. the hardest class is either social studdies or science. and u get 6 classes or 7 depends

A few days ago
no its not that hard they pretty much just show you around and bring you to all of the classes so that you remember where they are and then usually the next day you a get schedual and you have to go to all of the classes and meet the teachers……..its new for everyone so its not very scary.