if some one picked on you in school so much that when u told the teacher they would not do any thing two help?
Favorite Answer
Keep your head up
As regards to the bullies, my way of dealing with someone who was trying to intimidate me was quite simply telling them to shut up and then walk away. Whatever threats they say against you are most of the time just words but there will be one or two times where you have to stand up for yourself.
Teachers aren’t the best people to talk to as they are there to teach you, and see their job as only that (no offense to you teachers, I am talking from experience). The headteacher is the best port of call as well as the school counsellor (if there is one available).
Do not let bullies undermine you or be allowed to intimidate or scare you. Stand up for yourself and sooner rather than later bullies won’t touch you. The key with bullies is if they can get away with it, they’ll carry on doing it as it is a power trip for them.
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