A few days ago

Ideas for not getting nervous when doing public speaking???

like things to do during the speech or before it

because when im nervous i talk super fast soo a 3:00 speech turns into a 2:00-2:25 minute speech

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

This works:

Do a joke search and find something that is appropriate and related to your topic.

After greeting and introducing your topic, tell the joke. This should make everyone laugh, and once you hear their laughter you will calm down straight away. The side-effect is that your audience will pay attention to you much more than a bored audience.


A few days ago
For me personally I never practice directly before the speech (like 30mins before) because if i do i find i get even more nervous & start worrying about forgetting it. That might not work for you, you might want to practice it up until the last minute. Just try to find what works best for you. Also if someone asks me if im nervous i always say no even if i am because i then start to believe it myself so i feel more relax. Plus I find if i make eye contact with someone i lose my concentration and forget what I’m saying.

The reason you probably talk extra fast is because you want to get it over and done with as quickly as possible so relax, slow down & enjoy yourself!


A few days ago
Are you reading your speech from a written piece of paper? If so, use note cards instead and don’t write out the entire speech. Use a list of phrases instead that will remind you of the points you want to make. Glance down at each note card, then look out at the audience and speak freely and naturally regarding each point you want to make. Keeping it more natural rather than reading the exact words will slow you down.

Practice it several times at home in front of a friend or family member before the real thing. Good luck!


A few days ago
Bug Fuggy
You’re gonna be nervous no matter what. You just have to remind yourself to slow down which you can do. The first few seconds are the hardest but after that you kind of get a grip.

A few days ago
Relax, go slow, don’t look at anyone directly, look over there heads. Knowing that you know what you are talking about should help keep you relaxed.

A few days ago
Jimmy P
take deep breaths try not to worrry and set your mind in a different place