A few days ago

I need to get my ged and I have been out of school for 10 years,HELP?

I can’t seem to get the self esteem to get my Ged. I am so scared because I don’t remember anything and I don’t want to be the only one in there that is stupid. How can I overcome this feeling and go back to school??

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

have you consider looking online for a cyber school where you can actually get a high school diploma instead. I know a guy who got his hs diploma at age 26, by taking night classes…he was very proud of himself….I was very impressed. please look into it…don’t limit yourself to a ged if getting a diploma is just a little more work. good luck

By the way, don’t feel stupid about doing something great for yourself. Even if it’s a little hard or slighty uncomfortable…do it for yourself. You won’t regret doing it…you’ll just keep regretting the fact that you haven’t done anything about yet.

found this site…they don’t issue the diploma…they issue you credits toward your diploma….look into it to find out about sponsoring schools in you area



A few days ago
I was out of school for 20 years when I decided to try for my GED. I know how you feel, the tests that I was worried about was math and science. I just decided to swallow my fear and study like crazy. You shouldn’t feel like you are stupid. I guarantee that everybody else in there feels just the same. By the way I completed my GED top 10 in my class of over 300 graduates. It boosted my self-confidence so much that I am now in college with my Associates Degree and working on my Bachelors. So, take a deep breath, get the GED study guide, and dive in. And don’t worry I’ll bet you remember more than what you think you do.

A few days ago
You have better spelling and grammar than some posters on this forum with bachelor’s degrees. You’re not stupid. Don’t worry about not remembering things – I don’t remember things I took ten years ago – no one really does unless you use it constantly. Remember, you’re not SUPPOSED to know the material going in … that’s why they call it ‘school!’

Besides, if you’re in a class to get your GED, everyone there will be in the same boat.

Good luck. Go do it.


A few days ago
I believe that you can get this online now. This would solve your worry and get you where you want to go.

This is just an example: http://www.excelhighschool.com/ppc/index.php

Do a search and compare services and costs.