A few days ago

I’m freaked out?

i know this may be wierd but i’m only twelve and i am going into junior high and am super freaked out can sombody give me some tips on what to do?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

6th or 7th grade? well anyway if its 6th heres some tips that basically apply to all people starting middle school/jr. high, 6th or 7th grade:

6th grade was pretty cool for me. You get to do a whole lot of new stuff like you get lockers and 7-8 different teachers (depending on your school). You don’t get recess, which wasn’t a big deal to anybody in my school. Here are a couple tips that I could think of:

1. DONT RUN TO YOUR CLASSES!!! There is no need for you to run at all unless you are extremely late. Running everywhere will just make you seem more like a franticky little 6th grader.

2. Don’t act like your all that just because you’re in middle school now. You really aren’t any of that.

3. Don’t smart off to the older kids, or try to say something to make you look smart or funny. You may be smart in your grade, but most of the older kids are smarter than you. And don’t remind them of the rules or tell them not to be mean or anything, then they really get annoyed. Mostly, if you stay quiet around the older kids, occasionally talking about how you didn’t like this teacher or something, then they will like you and take you under their wing.

4. Don’t try to stand up to any of the older kids. There really aren’t any bullies that take your lunch money or whatever, but some kids do like to use words to get to you. If someone is bothering you, don’t try to act tough and stand up to them, go tell a teacher or write a statement in the dean’s office.

5. Have fun and try not to get involved in a lot of drama. Trust me, theres a whole ton of drama in middle school, and if you steer clear of the drama queens, you’ll be happy.

6. You’re only like 12 years old. YOU DONT NEED TO START DATING YET. You may think you’re mature enough, but you’re really not. You have plenty of time in high school. Middle school “dating” is really just some kids who say they are going out, but really all they do is walk around, occasionally holding hands, but they never actually go on dates.

Well there you go, that’s all the stuff I could think of that annoyed me about 6th graders last year. But that was just that particular 6th grade class, they usually aren’t that terribly annoying. 7th graders will be ok with you, cuz they were you last year, but 8th graders seem to get more agitated about 6th graders, so just stay out of their hair. Have fun!


A few days ago
Stay calm and realize everyone else is probably just as freaked as you are…I mean going to an older school is a big thing, a chance to change scenes and gain more friends. Just be yourself and know that others are going through the same thing. Find an outfit you feel your best in and prepare your school stuff the night before so you don’t have to stress in the morning. Being prepared is half the battle, the rest are just minor details. Smile and be nice to everybody and you will most likely get the same in return. Good Luck to you, Junior High can be great…I loved those years!

A few days ago
Sure why not. When i went to grade nine i barely new anyone because i changed schools in a really different area. I went knowing only 3 people that were my close firends or just friends. Anyways since i’m pretty tall and i looked like i was in gr.10/11 no one bothered me. I did however get asked by 1 person to get enistiated, but some girl i didn’t know diffended me that was in grade 10 and that how i met a new friend. Throughout the year she protected me. Well, if you know people you should be pretty safe. If you have older siblings that can defend you, well that all you need to make it. If you an only child then relax. Just follow my advice. Don’t go to these areas the first three days unless you really REALLY have to: the front doors, the washrooms during lunches or start/ending of school, any grade 10, 11, or 12 hangout zones. You can get enitiated thats why i’m just sparing you. At my school a lot of grade nines get it bad. They mad a guy push a penny on his nose in the front. They shoved some girls head in the toilet because she wouldn’t let them enitiate her. Sure, they can get suspended, but they still do it. Don’t wear your kilt/ skit to short or you’ll get a rep of a whore. Don’t wear it to long eaither cuz that will make them think you’re weird. It’s a lot to do with reputation in highschool. Be nice don’t talk shyt about people behind their backs or even the weakest ones may suprise you and woop your bumb. You can be yourself in highschool cuz theres a lot of choice to hummm to hang out with. It’s a lot of fun memerable times, as long as your not a *****. Don’t give out your secrets until you know you can trust your new friends. Classes are really fun because the teachers don’t even care, but some are so boring. Excpecially academic classes with hard *** teachers. Don’t worry after your first week of grade nine will be normal. You’ll be usto the school, the poeple, and their ways of life.

A few days ago
Sammy B
There are no tips for junior high. Junior high is not that much different from public school (elementary school). Just be yourself and pay attention in school. If you try to act like someone your not you’ll just become one big loser because people can tell when your fake. Also pay attention in school because education is power.

Ignore what Dwayne W says because if you beat someone up then other kids are going to want to fight you to see if your that good of a fighter. Then one day you might meet your match and then you’ll be the talk of the school, the girl who got beat up. Plus it doesn’t look good to have a record of fighting in school. So avoid fights as much as possible.


A few days ago
fell in love in REHAB
Well I’ve been there everyone has to do it. I say DO NOT ask people for directions because they’ll send you upstairs past the pool, cross the yard. Go through the parking lot and turning onto Route 66.

If you need directions ask a faculty member.

Also, when you go to homeroom or lunch, don’t be scared to talk to people you know “Hey, can I sit with you guys?” or “Is this seat taken?”

Because most (not all) or the time you CAN sit there and the seat’s NOT taken, and you’ll probably get to know the people you’re sitting with.

Don’t always try to hang around the popular kids, get to know someone outside the incrowd first because they could be looking for someone to hang out with to. And if you see someone else that needs help, it’s a friend in waiting.

Don’t be bothered by drama. A lot of people in middle school are the most immature people on the planet. And a lot of girls will try to start drama, ignore it. It may brand you a loser but ignore it. Unless you know you can pin them in a corner. A girl was teasing me when I was in 8th grade and she was in 7th. I didn’t act scared but when the final bell rang I called her and confronted her “Stephanie! You got something to say?!” She punked down.. “what are you talking about?”

so yeah. Don’t be afraid of bullies because most of the time they’re just cowards. (the girl couldn’t fight anyway lol)

And last but not least, DON’T FOOL AROUND WITH YOUR GRADES. Most people screw around in their classes and then when they get to high school they have to rretake classes they could’ve passed, and they fall behind when they could’ve gone ahead.

I’m going off to high school this year so best of luck to both of us!


A few days ago
big A
Just dont be nervous or freaking out when you walk in the door. You’ll be fine. Dont listen to things that upperclassmen may tell you. And dont let people pressure you into doing things you dont want to do. If they have lockers there, make sure your partering with someone you fully trust. People do steal!!! Hope this helps you out. Just calm down about it and you’ll be ok.

A few days ago
I am in nearly in the same situation, but I am going to high school. Just be calm hang out with your friends and try to make some new ones. It is just grade school with class changes.

A few days ago
don’t freaked out junior high is not that bad it’s easy it’s better then elementary school you do fine you have your friends so you not the only one so good luck in the school year

4 years ago
Haha….i’m certainly a freak. Hmm… i ask your self whether its available to be a mixture of Freak and classy….Fric…or um…Cheak…HAHA!!!! anyhow, i’m genuinely, genuinely, a freak…i think of.

A few days ago
Jill S
Chilax and everything will be fine. There will be all the teachers there to get you through this hard time. My son was so worried about getting lost, but after his 2nd day of school he was ok.