A few days ago

I am going into my senior year of high school a week from tomorrow and I want some tips.?

I want some tips on how to make grade 12 worthwhile… not stupid ones either…. any would be appreciated… thanks!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1) Make a list of people you wished you spoke to in hs or wanted to hang out with but never did, and then each month make an effort to do so to 1-2 people on your list

2) Camera, have it ready always

3) Organize a trip with your best friends over a weekend or week

4) Goto a game even if you normally would not

5) Goto every dance

6) Join a club

7) Try out for the school play or something you always thought about but never did…

8) Walk to school (at least on nice days)

9) Paint a mural in your school (get permission of course) and maybe some folks to help you

10) Write Seniors ’08 on everything, including your car windows

11) Organize a class t-shirt Seniors 2008 on one side and then on the otherside, get everyone’s signatures imprinted on a t

12) Join the prom committee

13) Ask your crush out

14) Think of something thoughtful when writing in a year book, a characteristic you admired about a person, a laugh you shared, even if you don’t know the person well, you might have noticed or thought something positive, let them know. It will mean a lot to them in the future

15) Get email addresses (you will lose touch)

16) Be yourself, 100%, if you are not already

17) Start a journal, record memories, feeling, thoughts, plans, hopes and dreams

18) Have fun, study up, and cherish the moments

Hope this helps!


A few days ago
First of all, congratulate yourself for finishing high school! Many don’t. Next, have fun, enjoy your classmates. Believe it or not, you’ll miss them (even the annoying ones}. Then, form a vision of what you want to do in your life (and I strongly recommend dreaming BIG) and learn everything about it you possibly can this last year of free education. Get online and really research ways to be successful in college; apply for every scholarship on the planet; and always remember that your education is the one thing nobody can ever take away from you. Good luck!

A few days ago
ami w
Things i wish i would have done in HIGHSCHOOL

1. Stay away from drama everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle and it is not worth it to have fights.

2. recognize your true friends and be there for them everystep of the way

3. dont focus on a relationship for you are only 17-18 and it is not everything in life

4. do your homework and study, grades mean a lot.

5. sign up for scholarships now they will help you a lot in college

6. participate in as many school activities you can you dont wanna regret not going to the spring fling! haha

7. say Hi to everyone you see the in hall after highschool you will be known and be seen around town it is nice to see someone you may have made happy one day and they say hi to you now!

8. and most of all HAVE FUN!!!


A few days ago
i just graduated and i had the best time my senior year…

you should join a sport if you haven’t… you meet new people and have a lot of fun…

also if your school has an asb you should join that to. i did and you get to organize school functions and you learn from it and so much more… and get all the hookups…

join clubs…

just do things where you can gain many friends…

don’t get into drama of course you don’t want that to ruin your whole senior year. and if you have a senior trip do that to…

and finally you and your friends should take a trip somewhere… my friends and i went to 3 different theme parks…

that’s basically what i did and i loved my senior year


A few days ago
Get good grades. And make sure you apply for colleges this Fall. That’s when they start taking apps.

And don’t do anything stupid. You don’t want to be one of the girls who is hiding a pregnant belly under her grad gown. And believe me, there are always a few!


A few days ago
David K
Have fun,

Make new friends

Solidify the friendships you already have.

Participate in as many new school sponsored activities that you have given even a fleeting thought of interest

Be curious about your surroundings


A few days ago
1. Take part in all the senior things. That’s fun and memorable

2. Study hard, of course! ๐Ÿ™‚ Get good grades.


A few days ago
senior year is the best, at least for me it was.

do take part in all the activities, its so fun and soon you wont be seeing all those people everyday.

be nice to the freshman, its your job to take care of them and welcome them with open arms to “your” school

get out of school early every now and then and just take a drive with your friends.

don’t study too hard, the hard work in the past will be paid off soon.

have fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

ps. apply to school in october-november, you’ll thank yourself in january.


A few days ago
Robin D
Stay out of gossip. Keep your mouth shut and ears open, meaning you have two ears and one mouth, listen twice as much as you talk! Also do every day of your senior year as if it was your last give it your everything!

A few days ago
hey me too cept i hav a few more weeks i would say make sure ur involved in the senior prank and go to all the dances and homecoming anything school related and make sure u do senior ditch days