A few days ago

how fair is this?

ok i go to a school in NJ and we have to take this stupid test called the HSAPS the middle of our junior year, this test goes into three parts english, math, and science now besides adding science they also added on things to math (which inculded algerba 2). Now you must pass this thing to get graduate and if you fail one can take it over. Now the messed up part…my school says you could take algerba 2 but you DOT HAVE TO take it. i didnt take it. so i take the test and i get the thing back last week telling me i failed the math part by 5 POINTS!

ok, i’ll take the math part over but is it really fair when not all stundents need to take algerba 2 and they end up putting it on the test. (and i was thinking this before i took the test as well so its not just because i failed the math) but on top of it they want me to go into an assessment class (im trying to get the hell out of) do you think this is really fair?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

No! I think there’s something seriously messed up with that. you should talk to someone about this right away about this, maybe a school official. They can’t put Algebra 2 stuff on there when they said you don’t have to take it. That’s just not fair.

A few days ago
Sounds like the GEE (General Exit Exam). You should have just taken the class. You knew you were going to have to take this text to exit high school. Common sense should have told you that this material would be on it. Now that you’ve taken it and know what material will be on it you will be better prepared for the next one once you take this class.

Since the NCLB(No Child Left Behind) Act was put into effect, teachers have to become highly qualified. Therefore, teachers do NOT just sit back and wait for retirement teaching the same tired material they learned years ago when they received their credentials. If they do not become highly qualified then they lose their credentials. It wasn’t a teacher that didn’t teach the material that caused you to fail the test, you didn’t take the class in the first place so you didn’t know the material. The questions on the GEE are weighted. There’s a possibility that you didn’t get some of the other questions correct. You might want to talk to your counselor about practice exams. You could take those and really understand which questions you missed and might be better prepared for the next time you take it.



A few days ago
I see California doesn’t have the only messed up school system. This sound like the High school exit exam they started only a few years back. I am glad they threw science in the mix.

Here is my advice: Instead of being really upset that Algebra 2 is on the test, or not taking the class just because its not required. Screw all that. Learn as much as you can and become a great person, learn algebra 2 for yourself, not to fill some requirement.


A few days ago
I believe that the teachers should lose tenure if students fail this kind of test..I also think teachers should have to re qualify for tenure every four years, like the president..otherwise some [not all!] will just sit back and wait for retirement without caring about the students. if a certain subject is required for graduating, it should be explained in the first year of high school and reiterated..and should be made a subject one has to take, or they should not require that segment of the test for those students who opted NOT to take say, algebra2…given a choice, many students wont bother, so many will not graduate..and this makes the test biased and therefore unfair, stage a strike/protest and get parents involved..

A few days ago
i dont think it’s fair becuase it said u dont have to take it and then they take 5 points off that’s so not fair