A few days ago

How can you enroll your child in school without vaccinations?

I am adamant against having my children vaccinated and I was wondering if there was anyone from Texas who was able to enroll their children in school without having to have their vaccinations. What did you do? Any suggestions?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Though I was vaccinated, my mom lost the records and couldn’t prove it, she stated it was against her religion, and with the separation between Church and State, they couldn’t say a thing.

A few days ago
Katie W
Why on earth would you want to do this? Yes there are tiny risks from standard vaccinations. But, there are huge risks for not getting vaccinated. In Texas in particular, tetnatus is a huge risk since we so rarely freeze (which kills off the bacteria in other areas of the country); doctors highly recommend EVERYONE having this every 10 years.

Casual vaccinations for anything coming down the turnpike are overkill, yes. Some diseases are better gotten and gotten over early, like chicken pox (much more dangerous to adults), or common colds (which can help boost immune system response and decrease chances of asthma later in life). But vaccinating for dangerous diseases that can cripple or kill your child — or potentially others’ children, given prolonged exposure to your infected child — when the vaccines have been tested and used for decades — seems to me like the far wiser thing to do.

Otherwise, it’s like telling your child, “No, you can’t go play on the playground, you might hit your head falling off the slide! Or sexual predators know children are there! Go play in traffic instead.”


A few days ago
Act D
in most states vaccinations are required by law, so unless your child has some dire allergic reaction to the vaccination, they must have them in order to be allowed in public schools.

see here for some info pertaining to Texas.


As a side note, why are you so adamant against vaccinations? they do save lives, millions of lives, in addition to preventing millions more from suffering either through the diseases themselves or through the aftereffects of the diseases.

If you are concerned about side effects of the vaccines, your worries are very misplaced. Vaccines have miniscule side effects when compared to the diseases they protect against.

sorry for the rant!


A few days ago
If the law says vaccinations, then you’ll have to have them vaccinated unless you can prove that the shot will harm them. Otherwise, the state has no obligation to let your kids in school.

I would think you’d want them vaccinated rather than getting sick with preventable diseases.


A few days ago
Homeschool. No one will allow it!