A few days ago

Help! Is it normal to not know what to you want to do in life (a job) when you are a junior in High School?

I mean, I have no clue, my family always asks me, and I can’t answer, when will I realize what I want to do?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

No, you don’t have to know. But you should be interested in some school subjects, or news topics, or books, or magazines. Just take a hobby or interest of yours and say that that’s what you’d like to do in the future. Try to figure out what your interests are and then just pick one to tell people who ask for the time being.

A few days ago
natasha G
i think not many people of your age know what they ll do in life. Just think what subjects you like in school and try to think from this point of view. Or maybe you have a hobby or smth…. You also can pass psycological tests. 🙂 i dont know, maybe its different in your country,but in our country we can change a university or facultee anytime we want.

A few days ago
Yes it is normal and nothing wrong with that