A few days ago

Help get new friends !?

Ok, I am fed up of my friends but I want to leave them, the only problem is nobody else will accept me, I mean no one, no matter if I change my clothes e.c.t. Help and give me advice plz ! thnks !

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Fig Newton

Favorite Answer

Need to learn how to communicate better then. You either have to find something alike with them or learn how to have better people skills like be nice and likeable.

You shouldn’t really try your hardest to be accepted. Some find that pathetic and scary. Just be yourself and then you will find people who like you. Changing yourself for them to appreciate you will probably make you start from Step 1 where you want new friends again.

Just be yourself. I am assuming your still young since you are writing in the Primay and Secondary Education section. Don’t let this bother you, just have fun and be young.

Nobody likes a guy trying too hard.

Good luck.


A few days ago
Awww I understand this kind of situation..like when ur mates are useless and ppl tell u to find better ones…but how??!!!

MySpace it up dude! Always the way

Oh yeah; here’s my footer on the dangers on the internet *clears voice*

NEVER meet anyone you dont know alone

Be safe and always use protection

And key to internet friendships: dont talk to strangers.

If you didn’t get my sarcastic and twisted humour I apologise 😀



A few days ago
Just be yourslf and be nice too o thers.Find friends with like minded interests.

A few days ago
why don’t you help people on stuff they need help and you know you might make some friends