A few days ago
rehab girl

do school projects bring classmates together or further apart?

do school projects bring classmates together or further apart?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It depends. In my case, it brought my friends and I further apart because you get to see who is responsible and who isn’t. And when you notice how heck-carish and irresponsible your friends are, would you still want to de projects with them? But in some cases where I worked with others it brought us closer. It really depends on the people you work with and the situation.

A few days ago
Raju Kalampuram
It depends more on the project really!

If the success of the project demands unity of its members, the project certainly help bringing its members together. So the project approval entity must approve projects that demands cooperation among its members. Certain projects will have enough room to showcase predominantly individual performances, and such projects will eventually end up splitting the team!

So in my opinion its not the school project but the type of the project which determines the fate of the classmates!


A few days ago
I think that, most of the time, it brings them closer together, but if there’s two students working on a project who absolutely hate everything about each other and who will fight over every little detail, it’s going to force them even further apart ( it might not make a difference, though, if they hate each other that much).

A few days ago
I think it depends on the group members. I have both good and bad experiences working in a group project.

Communication is efficient as it will bring group members together, discuss the project and contribute ideas. If all try to act cool or almighty, well, say goodbye to your project.

But, judging others are useless. You can take the first step in ice-breaking if no one is doing so. Don’t be selfish. Get everyone to know each other.

If you feel that one of them isn’t doing anything, tell him/her in the face, gently at first. Who knows that person has some unresolved issue? But, if he/she is just hanging out for the marks, be firm in telling him/her to f*** off.


A few days ago
I think group projects usually end up making people farther apart. What usually happens, especially in middle and high school, is that one or two people end up doing all the work while other people do almost nothing.

4 years ago
the two. it incredibly is extra us closer jointly in that we work together daily here (and, often times, build friendships) with human beings we’d have by no ability encountered in the previous the internet. however the different fringe of the sword is that the internet (like television, cellular telephones, gaming consoles, and mp3 gamers) is yet yet another gadget that serves to isolate us from direct human touch and interplay. So i think what i’m attempting to declare is that it brings us closer to greater human beings however the character of that closeness is way less very own and much less actual. volume over high quality.

A few days ago
school projects should bring classmates together. because they have to work together to get something done which makes them closer.

A few days ago
In my experience, they don’t. The social studies fair projects we had to do in 8th grade broke up all save one best friends pairing in our class, and that one survived because they decided to not do their project together. Even great friends can end up in huge arguments over class projects.

A few days ago
Apart all the times ive had to do projects with other ppl…only ONE time i had a good experience..

A few days ago
It depends on the classmates…if they get along well, then they will be brought closer to each other…I think…