A few days ago

Did/Do you feel this way?

I’m going to be a Sophmore in highschool. Last year wasn’t exactly a great experience. There was alot of drama, alot of work, and alot of stress socialy and acedemicly. I got burnt out before my first semester ended and I started to DREAD school. I love getting to see my friends and meet people and stuff, but it feels hopeless. I’m tired of all the drama and nonsense and I want to get started with my career, and my future. So my questions are:

-Have you ever felt this way about highschool?

-Do you think its weird I dislike school this much?

-How did you deal with it?

-How can I make sure I have a better year?

Any info helps!

Thanks ๐Ÿ˜‰

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

No, I don’t think it is weird to feel hate school. I think it is normal for every high school student to feel like this at one point. Pay NO attention to the drama and don’t get yourself involved in it. Sometimes its just good to let people talk crap.

I don’t have friends in most of my classes (their all seniors or in regular classes instead of AP) so what I do is just sit at the back and listen to my ipod if I have free time and people are annoying me.

To make sure you have a better year just play it cool. Don’t get in a fight over something silly. Just let it go. Trust me.. I got in an argument my freshman year over something a girl said to me. I had to sit in the office the last 2 hours of school which made me miss work.

Ignore peoples mean comments if you can. Most of the time they act mean to others just to impress other people and look cool.

Also, try to have fun but most importantly focus on school. I had a boyfriend in April last year for the wrong reasons. Mainly to try to make my current bf mad after we broke up and because I was bored so I wanted someone to focus attention on me all the time.

It got freaky kinda fast actually. He came somewhat obbsessed and stalkerish. Then we broke up because he was messing with another girl.. Oh that did not end well.

You can have a boyfriend in high school but set your standards high. Don’t settlle for less then you diserve. Ever. Remember to put school before the boy though. Chances are you won’t last and you don’t want to fail.

Hope I’ve helped. Good luck. Enjoy your sophomore year. Things get better from this point on. =)


A few days ago
yes. high school can be very stressful…esp. if you take advanced classes. as long as you keep organized and space out your work you should be a little more comfortable academic wise. (getting a daily planner will be a huge lifesaver if you don’t already have one) i don’t know what to tell you for the social stress, but if you make academics your main focus and do well in that you’ll find your not gonna have a whole lot of extra time to worry about anything else…this of course depends on the difficulty of the courses you take.not to say that you won’t have a social life, you just won’t get so caught up in a lot of drama and gossip. i actually found that sophomore year was a lot less stressful than freshmen year just because i was more aware of how to handle myself and had a better idea of the expectations that teachers would have for me. i think you’ve already taken a good first step in deciding that you want to focus on your career and future, a good way to do that is by participating in extra-curricular classes and activities that prepare you for the career path you want to take.

i know this was a bit on the long side, but i hope it helped! ;D

good luck in your high school and long-term career!


A few days ago
-I have felt that way about high school

-Absolutely not!! I think everyone dislikes highschool ๐Ÿ™‚

-My biggest problem was all the drama. Between friends and guys and talking about people.. the easiest thing to do is stay out of it. Seriously. I know that makes you feel like you might not be as cool but for your own sanity just stay out of it. Listen to people talk about it but don’t comment on it except for “Wow that sucks” “I’m sorry” but don’t go out of your way to pick sides, etc. Because I got so wrapped up in the drama I wasn’t myself (fake fronts) and I didn’t focus on my school work as much- school work is the most important thing. It’s all about balance.

-Next year, stay out of drama as much as you can. Be really chill about things. Try not to stress out by doing homework right when you get it, study hard but not hard enough to where you burn yourself out (2-3hours is good usually), Plan everything (seriously, your weekends, talking on the phone, watching tv, etc) you’ll feel so much more organized. Stay involved in school, join clubs, etc. Again, the biggest thing is to rid yourself of the drama and just be yourself.

Good luck!!


A few days ago
-Have you ever felt this way about highschool? yes

-Do you think its weird I dislike school this much? No, i think i hate school more than you.

-How did you deal with it? dont know…

-How can I make sure I have a better year? Keep a positive outlook. just keep saying to yourself, if you do well in high school and ignore the other non-academic things, you can start a new life once you hit college…and nobody will know who u were in high school.