A few days ago

7th grade student with bad grades last year?

my son just barely past 6th grade and did not seem to care when he was in trouble at school or getting bad grades. I need some tips on trying to influence him to be a better student.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Ask your teachers about getting him on a point sheet – he ears points for appropriate behavior and then brings it home to you each day. That way you can see how he’s doing daily… Also, create a reward system for good behavior and grades – things that matter to him a lot – even just phone or TV time. Keep in contact with his teachers – it will help him be more appropriate and keep you informed. Good Luck!

A few days ago
Well, my parents tried the 10 bucks for every A thing 5 for every B, 3 for a C and nothing for a D and then a E/F cancels out the highest grade on the report card. But unfortunately everytime I brought home a damn report card they acted like they never said that!!!!! One time I actually tried to go for as much money as I could and I would of earned 22 bucks if they didn’t play stupid…well anyways thats a technique you should try for your son because all kids love money but maybe you can raise the stakes a little like 20 every A 10 every B 5 every C etc. Just make sure once it’s pay out time you don’t play stupid because it’s discouraging.

A few days ago
Find out what really motivates him. What does he want to be when he grows up? Even if its something you feel is “crazy” get someone who does that exact thing and have him talk with him so that he knows just exactly what he must do to achieve that. Make him realize that he needs to get on the ball and do better. It might take some time, but you MUST find what he is into, and motivate him that way. At that age, its probably the only way, without really disciplining him. Trying to yell at him or take things away will only discourage him and make things worse. He will try and lash out against it, or rebel at that age. Maybe find a mentor for him, not “school work” mentor, but someone older he can relate to or talk to, friend, cousin, uncle or aunt, someone that isn’t his parent. I remember when I was that age, and didn’t want to listen to what my parents said because I thought they were out of their minds. HaHa.

A few days ago
Try your best to make him understand that his choices and habits now will affect his life later. Tell him that if he gets all As and Bs then you’ll go camping one weekend, or you’ll buy him that new video game. You have to show him that hard work pays off.

A few days ago
Your son is at an age that is a challenge: for him as well as family, friends, and school. Let him know that he can count on your love.

A few days ago
use the reward tecniche if he gets good grades he gets to do something fun or get something new like a video game and remind him that bad grades = summer school

A few days ago

Also, is it possible that the only reason he is not succeeding is because everyone else wants him to? Maybe if everyone stopped pushing him so hard, and let him know that it’s his own responsibility, he would start working harder. That’s what my problem was! ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ™‚


A few days ago
tell him you will give him x- dollars for each A on his report card

A few days ago

and big ones


A few days ago
You need to really discipline him.