A few days ago

I need help with a music lesson plan for young children?

I am an early childhood eduacation student at my high school and I need to create a lesson plan. I am a musician but I can not think of any ways to teach a lesson to children 5 and under. I have access to an abundunce of art supplies and about 30-40 minutes to do my lesson. I want them to have fun but still make use of the lesson. HELP PLEASE!!! Thanks.


Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

As a teacher, you need to identify what it is the children will learn and how you will know if they learned it. For rhythm, you may have them clap ( step or pat their leg, a drum, or rhythm sticks – mix it up a little) to copy your rhythm pattern keeping it simple. You might do fast/ slow or loud/soft concepts as well. Allow the students be the leader next. If you wanted to make small groups each with a different rhythm instrument would be great. Then, you let them sing along with the beat. If you stay with one concept and activities that increase in difficulty would be better in my opinion than to do a lot of different concepts. Be enthusiastic and have fun!

A few days ago
For a proper lesson plan, you need the following:

1. Objectives. What do you want the child to know at the end of the day? The song, The actions? At 5 years old, you need at least 3 ovjectives.

2. Materials. Are you letting them hold on to some materials that can create sound? like shakers or little tambourine. Also little pin on costumes if you are having dramatizations or dance.

3. Tuning in. Maybe the lesson is based on a theme, say the very hungry caterpillar. You Can read the book to the children and give them enough knowledge about the lesson ahead.

4. Main activity. You can have a little song singing session based on the book, and they can hold on to shakers, tambourines and sing along. Make sure you sing the song once through to them first. or you can have the children dressed up in teacher made materials, like the fruits and vegetables that the caterpillar ate, the caterpillar and butterfly (how the story went) dramatization. Giving them opportunity to know one another better. But you be the caterpillar.

5. Closure. Ensure that you close the lesson with an activity that can calm them down. Try to avoid jumping or hopping as they might become more active. Maybe you could end the lesson with asking the children some open ended questions or even introduce another song to the children.

If you have more questions and might need some help? do feel free to message me at this e-mail [email protected]

My yahoo account is not personal, so the above will be better.


4 years ago
They both are Ideal for your health. If you eat both, you’re better off. But yea, I’d personally choose fruits because they taste better.

4 years ago
It is determined by the fruit or plant linked to a comparison. If perhaps you compare a farrenheit to a carrot, the carrot is the better of the two nutritional. But since you compare an avocado to the carrot, then your avocado is better. The two the apple and avocado, are fruits.