A few days ago

about preschool?

i am sending my child mto preschool. i was wondering how much you would think it would cost me 2 send him there for half a day

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

They are all different. Why don’t you call the preschool you are thinking of and ask them?

A few days ago
Every preschool is different. Some offer half-day or part-time (certain days of the week) care, but others do not. At my school, part-time care is offered where the parents sign a contract for a specific number of days a week and pay only for those days. Parents also pay tuition based on what hours their children attend school. For example, the cost of having a child from 7:30am to 1:30pm is less than having a child from 7:30am to 6:30pm, etc. But as previously stated, each school has its own policies and pricing based on its own budget or owner’s preference.

As a preschool teacher, my advice is to look at accredited schools (like Head Start or those accredited through NAEYC) because no matter what your child’s attendance will be, these schools will offer the highest level of Pre-K education. If there are none in your area, make sure you visit schools and observe the classroom for at least 30 minutes to get an idea of the teacher, lesson plans, and behavior of other kids. Parents please observe classrooms! You need to know what you are paying for.


A few days ago
Penn State Princess
There are many things to consider when researching the cost of your child’s preschool education. Costs are very regional, being much cheaper in rural areas & more expensive in cities & suburban areas. The cost will depend also on whether or not the class is taught by a certified teacher, how many days a week he will go, whether or not snack/meal is included & the class size.

I teach in a relatively rural area & the children’s monthly fees are $150/month…that is for 3 days a week, 2.5 hours per day, no snack included. I am a certified teacher, but not all of the teachers there are, so I am not paid like a certified teacher would be paid to teach at a more prestigious preschool.


A few days ago
EC Expert
It depends on where you live and what kind of program it is. If money is an issue look for a cooperative. They require the parents to contribute a certain amount of time and that keeps the tuition low. As an added bonus you get to see how the program operates and to spend some time in the classroom with your child.

A few days ago
It depends on where you live….I’m from a pretty small area and my son’s preschool was $100 a week.

However, his school….like most, charge by the student rather than the actual amount of time they’re there. Meaning, you pay regardless of the time that they’re actually there. You more like paying for their “spot”. In my son’s case, I pay even if he misses a day and even on holiday’s when the school is closed.

Hope this helped!


A few days ago
I pay 160 every 1st and 15th plus and extra 55 every week for before and after care. but there are free head start pre-k but you have to be able to qualify