A few days ago

Why SAT better than gpa?

I am a soon to be senior in high school. I did very good on my SAT’s but did not do very good in school. How do you explain the high SAT scores but a low gpa? What does that mean as far as being able to handle college work? I am coded gifted and learning disabled in school and also have ADD.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

your grades (GPA) are generally based on some kind of point grading system as explained by various teachers, and there is usually some variety of things that are graded or assigned points, not just tests, but also projects, homework, participation, attendance even

People with great test scores and low grades have generally not been applying themselves as much as your future college studies will demand. The good news? you have a whole year to mature and try to change whatever bad habits (like not writing stuff down, or losing everything, or blaming the teacher when you didn’t do an assignment (because it was a stupid assignment anyway, right?) might be holding you back

Opposite problem of students with high GPA but low test scores may be either 1, poor test takers (these can improve a lot with one of the prep courses) 2, overachiever types who do every assignment perfectly and get 100s on all projects, even though they didn’t really master the material very well, or 3, people who avoid the hard classes like Honors or AP so they can get straight A’s

What you will find in college is that most students need to improve their study techniques, and the more motivated they are to do what it takes the better they will do in the more “mature” environment of college. Colleges are trying their best to make an educated guess on which students are likely to succeed based on the info they can get their hands on. They don’t kow everything.

If you have overcome ADD and LD problems in the past then you can use what you have learned about yourself to try your best to maximize your chances of success. College is not really all about “getting in,” it’s more about getting out, with a degree that is in a field where you want to work or study further.


A few days ago
GPA can depend on your teacher’s whims. Public schools with a more strict SAT number will factor you high on their list.

You might be able to play up your disability to schools that take them into consideration, maybe like private schools. But ADD is so common that you might not get any advantage in talking about ADD.

Overall, I think this means that you have what it takes intellectually to handle the work in college, but will you have the time management skills and the emotional ability to handle school stress?


A few days ago
simply wanting to teach
gpa is based on all ur classes. most of ur classes ur not tested on in the SATs so i wouldn’t really doubt urself. about college, just do things on time and ask ?s if u need help and u’ll be alright.

A few days ago
i would recomend you going to your teachers if u dont get the work, even though it may seem embarasing to do so.(tried this in my sophmore year in high school last year, hoped i helped u out)