A few days ago
Lauren M

Why do we study Grammer????

plzz help me…..lol……. its for school

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
C’est Comme Un Rêve

Favorite Answer

It unites people. Imagine if everyone had their own language.

A few days ago
We study grammar so that we can be coherent and precise when we express ourselves both in writing and orally.


“I’m studying on Wednesday” is not the same as, “I will study on Wednesday”.

Through the study of grammar we can distinguish the first from the latter.

Though both are in the future, the first sentence is in ‘Present Continuous with Future Meaning’ and used to express pre-established plans while the latter, the Simple Future, expresses an intention, or a , amongst other uses, to express willingness.

To sum up, without grammar we would not be able to express what we REALLY want to say and most probably confuse the audience.


A few days ago
Try reading something that was written before spelling and grammar were standardized, like the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. Standardization makes things easier for the reader.

And people will judge a writer if the writer makes grammatical and spelling mistakes. They will think the writer is not educated or smart or was careless while writing. They may very well stop reading or dismiss whatever ideas the writer was trying to express.


A few days ago
We study “grammar” so that we can communicate with one another in a manner that is understandable. Grammar dictates the way words are used and/or arranged in sentence structure. When individuals all have the same grasp of one language and how it works it enhances their ability to interact effectively in writing and speaking. When there isn’t this “grasp” of how language is used, it creates a certain amount of chaos in communicating. For example – here’s a simple error in modifying a noun. Would you like a hot cup of coffee? or is it – Would you like a cup of hot coffee? I’d think you’d prefer hot coffee over a hot cup.

Hope this helps —


A few days ago
To learn how to effectively communicate by using the written language, and improve your speaking abilities.

1. Learn how to form, and construct a proper sentence.

2. Use proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

3. Improve ones speech, and writing by using a richer vocabulary, root words, and literature.


A few days ago
Why do you use a knife and fork to eat? You could get food into your mouth without them…. but how would you look??? Imagine how you would look trying to eat soup. Same thing for grammar. When you use poor grammar, people can understand you…. but do you realize how horrible you sound? Just as good eating habits reflect a refined person, so does correct grammar when he or she speaks.

A few days ago
So we can make ourselves understood, and may understand others better. So we don’t sound ignorant. Improper use of language can totally change a message’s meaning. AND LEARN TO SPELL AND PUNCTUATE WHILE YOU’RE AT IT.

A few days ago
Havana Brown
To teach us how to communicate correctly and gauge our level of intelligence. If you’re applying for a job or college, or simply trying to find a mate, it helps.

A few days ago
Mrs Apple
To communicate with others.

A few days ago
Terri R
Maybe for the same reason we study spelling.

Punctuate,no “r” in the word…..
