A few days ago

Which is easier Algebra or Geometry?

I had problems in algebra…some of my friends have told me that most people that do bad in algebra are good at geometry, and people that are bad at geometry are usually good at algebra. I don’t know if that is true. But which was/is easier for you?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago
Betsy D

Favorite Answer

The difference is that algebra is more equation-based, whereas geometry is based on the physical world (shapes, angles, etc.). If you are a more visual or artistic person, then you might do better in Geometry than in algebra. However, you do need to know some algebra to do well in geometry — sorry if that’s a let-down!

I did okay in both classes, and my friends did too, so I am not sure what your friends said about being good/bad is true. 😉


5 years ago
Geometry isn’t necessarily easier or harder, its just different. While algebra has a large focus on solving for x, or other variables, along with graphing lines and equations, geometry is more about logic and proofs (at least it was for my class). There is less arithmetic in geometry, but it is still a high school level math course. You learn about Euclid, proofs, types of logic, patterns, relationships between angles in a triangle, circle, square, etc, and formulas used on graphs, like the distance formula. I personally like Algebra more, because you just continue to build on the same concept you had before. But if you have lots of trouble in Algebra as an 8th grader, you shouldn’t feel embarrased. Algebra is usually a course for 9th graders, and it’s perfectly fine to take it again. You will be taking Algebra II later in high school, and it is a good idea to make sure you get the foundation before you try to move onwards. Also, you may have a geometry teacher who incorporates lots of Algebra into the problems. While most of my friends had teachers who would tell them a concept and have them solve just that, my teacher would make the values algebraic things like quadratic equations and then have to find all the values as well as X. Algebra will come back to haunt you if you just blow it off without understanding it. It is better to retake it and understand it than plow ahead blindly. I have a lot of friends who took Algebra, failed, then went on and continued to get unsatisfactory grades. To make you feel better though, Algebra gets easier from here on out 🙂

A few days ago
Well when i took algebra 1 it was hard at first but after you take it it’s very easy, way easier. Geometry for me was easy, never was hard but what was hard and still kinda is is algebra 2 but i pass with a good grade! : )


I think you’ll do fine! Hope for the best!


A few days ago
George G
basic algebra is easier to take first then geometry will be a breeze. but take advanced algebra right after and it will all fall into place.

A few days ago
Yeah i agree. For me Geometry is a lot harder just because it is a lot of memorizing, and the problems tend to be a lot harder and longer. Once you draw the same triangle over and over, its just repeative. It sucks..Go with Algebra

A few days ago
well i think algebra is easier cuz i suck at geometry.

A few days ago
legal eagle
geo has a lot of memorizing formulas… depending on your teacher [some dont make you memorize]…. but if you did bad in alg. then you should do goood in geo… unless you suck at math lol

A few days ago