A few days ago

where could i find a good article about “wika”?

pls give the website

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Go to Google.com then write “wika” on the space provided for

I’m a filipino so I know what wika means it means saying something or a word that is always used in a poem or a language that you use for example Ang wika nila ay English it is a tagalog word so you may not understand what I’m saying from Ang wika nila ay English


A few days ago
In the Philippines where came from the word “wika” and I’m a Filipina and The “wika” means a using the languages when we will saying or talking the words or even poems or essays rather like example “Ang Wikang Pilipino”but you couldn’t understand about the this Filipino or Tagalog because when I was in Elementary until High School we will use the”wika” during our class and the Subject is Filipino and then we will speak a Tagalog.

A few days ago
Unless I’m completely off the mark, I believe you’re referring to “WICCA” a spiritual path mainly practiced by women. It is often referred to as a cult or a witches coven. Personally, I think it’s an earth or nature centered spiritual path that is not very mainstream or Christian so it is kind of looked down on by a lot of folks. Here’s a few I found just by putting the word “wicca” in a search engine. I was surprisede at how many websites there are on this subject:

www.wicca.org, wiccanet.com, modernwiccan.com. Another good reference is religioustolerance.org/witchcra.htm that is kind of an objective outsider’s viewpoint.

Hope that helps,



A few days ago
that’s wicca. here’s a good site:
