A few days ago

What’s the inside of your elbow called?

Besides “Elbow Pit” haha.

Top 0 Answers
A few days ago

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It is called the medial epicondyle.

Some golfers have pain there. This is called (wait for it) “golfer’s elbow”!


4 years ago
Inner Elbow

7 years ago
Betty B
It’s a remnant of cats being kitten nursing their mother and burying their head so in there that you wonder how they can breathe!

People have several other theories, like your cat can’t get enough of your smell (they use their olfactory sense for everything) or want to mark you as his caretakers to warm other cats that you’re taken.

And I’m not talking about deodorants and other chemicals but your natural smell. Cats rub less if you just got out of a bath and now you smell like raspberries! Or worse, you use perfume and now they stay away from you.

I believe that since mother cats groom their kittens and kittens groom each other (hard to reach places like the face, ears), cats can also use the pit of your elbow to rub his face like grooming on you. You might notice that when you wear soft fabric harsh enough to imitate a cat’ tongue, or when your cat is a little “under the weather” and need help to groom his face, nose and mouth.


5 years ago
whats the inside of your knee called?

A few days ago
iNsTaNt pUdDiNhEaD
The “crook” of my elbow.

6 years ago
It is often refered to as the “cubital fossa”

A few days ago
I believe it is formally referred to as “antecubital”

7 years ago
It is called the wagina