A few days ago

i hate school?

the teachers are mean

the work is hard

its very stressful and its the only thing usally on my mind..

and im only in 7th…….

do you hate school?


Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Welcome to life.

School is tough, but it will end eventually. Make the most of it now, you’ll need it.

School is just the beginning of the rest of your life. Life won’t get any easier.

You may discover:

the bosses are meaner

the work is harder

it’s even more stressful,

but not the only thing that will stress you out. You’ll wish you were back in 7th grade.

I didn’t like everything about school, in fact I hated alot about it, but I’m glad I paid attention while I was there.

Don’t give up. Your education is the most important thing in your life right now. It’s a building block to a better future.

School is no different than a job. Work hard, pay attention, set goals – and you can achieve success.


A few days ago
Hey I’m right there with you. There are few people that actually enjoy school. Sometimes i feel way to busy and stressed just like you! It helps me to make lists to keep track of assignments and other important things so you feel like you know what to do. Yes and work gets a lot harder as you get older. When you don’t understand something ask about it. Even if the teachers are mean you can get on there “good” side if they think you are tring. Just stay in there it will all work out! Remember when you are a rich adult you will be happy you studied in grade school.

P.S. don’t forget you can always have homework parties with your smart friends. Grab the junk food and work on hard homework or study! Just remember that you most likely need permission from your teacher if you are working on a lot of homework.


A few days ago
I don’t hate school, I actually love it! I’m in 9th. Yeah, I know it seems really hard, and the teachers are mean and give out alot of homework because they are preparing you for high school. Believe me, I have seven classes everyday. At least two assignments from each of them, and if you miss a day, you have to talk to them, they don’t come to you. But you shouldn’t hate it. Think of it as a challenge. Get into some clubs and make a plan for when you get home. Here is what I always do…

1.come home and watch tv or get on computer for 30-45 min.

2.do the homework that i think is hardest. then do second hardest. save easist for last.

3. do chores

4. spend the rest of my evening however i want to!

And remeber, don’t hate school now, you still have 6 years of it! (not including college)


A few days ago
I know hon, but you know what? School is the only chance you’ll ever get to learn something, and get ahead in this life! I used to hate school too! And when I left school, it soon became apparent to me that it was I, that was doing all the manual tasks! and the people sitting in their air conditioned offices were just watching me and smiling knowingly at my embarrassment! I soon went back to school in a different frame of mind to the one I had when I left! I passed all my exams with the help of a dedicated teacher (Bless her) then headed off to college for an engineering degree. Then following that I entered the aerospace industry on a salary of $87.000 per year! My old salary was $21.000 for digging trenches and pushing wheelbarrows around full with sand and cement! ugh! So in your case, instead of being a check-out chick at K. Mart. You could be a manageress at a bank or a stenographer with a big legal firm in the city! Anything that YOU want to be! Have a great day hon.

A few days ago
You have to wake up right when you start having these great dreams; you get up, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, go sit and wait for breakfast and all of a sudden your mom is yelling at you because you never really got up, and now you’re late, you’re ALWAYS late, you can’t relax with a friend and catch up on the happening ’cause the English teacher is sitting there looking at the clock and thinking of YOU! It’s always somethin’, they’re always telling you that you don’t listen and you DO listen it’s just that they repeat everything 20 times, you heard it the first time, why should you have to keep listening to the same thing over and over? And how many times am I going to need a linear equation to eat a burger at Wendy’s?

No one in the world could make you believe that one day you’ll wish you could go back to seventh grade and do it all over again, but you will.


A few days ago
I think I began hating school around the 7th grade. That continued right through high school. My teachers were mean, my classmates were rude and obnoxious and I was quite scared most of the time.

I would suggest talking to your school’s guidance counselor and/or principal about your mean teachers. Also let your parents know about them.


A few days ago

i didn’t say i hate school in general, but i hate MY school.

it’s eeextremely small, but packed with like 2,000 smelly annoying mexican kids (not dissing mexicans but really.. uggh these kids are just.. uh nvm.).. the classes are SO packed that atleast 10 people have to sit on the floor and learn that way. the entire school does not own an air conditioner. it’s actually pretty dirty, poor, and well, GHETTO.

how can i even think about the hard work or mean teachers when the school itself really needs to get fixed up. but yes i hate school. >.<


A few days ago
Well soon you’ll be grown and off to the working world were there is no long summer vacations or other holidays that school kids get. Hang in there. Keep this in mind. That when things look bad remember that “this too shall pass”

A few days ago
Everybody has a distaste for school, its not fun usualy you need to be incharge to make the experience fun for yourself.

even in learning its not easy but we all know its important other wise how else can i be writing to you?

So try to ease up on your school to try to look at it positively and try to do your work with more like a im getting educated view then an i hate you view.


A few days ago
i use to and this might come out pritty cornny but this was my life in grade 7: i had no frends, i tried out for the vollyball team for the 3rd time, didn’t get in, half the team didn’t even go to the tryout, the teachers hated me, i was beat up every day, had terible marks. now im in grade 11, im in clubs, scouting, i have 3 best frends, okay marks and i love life. the thing is just suck it up your time will come to.