A few days ago
Curious Mind wants to know

What is another phrase I could use for ‘Question of the Day’? I need to shake things up with a new saying.

I run a message board and we have ‘QOTD’ but I’d like to find a new phrase in place of that one. Thanks!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

you could say…ANSWER THIS!

or ………………….WHAT DO YOU THINK?


A few days ago
“Everyone wonders about something, what’s your cause of wonder?” Who did what to whom when? If you know all the answers, why are you calling? Who decided that blue was a color instead of a mood? alternated with Who decided blue was a mood and not a color? Are you a bug or a windshield today?

A few days ago
Nicky C
Nevermind.. the I didnt read the entire question before answering.. sorry!

A few days ago
“Query of the Morning”, “Answer This!”, or “What do you Think?”

EDIT: Oops, I inadvertently stole two from someone above me. Sorry, I guess I lack originality.