A few days ago

What does sticks and stones may break her bones but names could make her starve herself to death mean?

What does sticks and stones may break her bones but names could make her starve herself to death mean?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If you call someone fat than she might be self-conscious about it and starve herself. hopefully not literally to death.

A few days ago
George Washington
An example is,we had a very beautiful,athletic exchange student from Germany at the school I worked at.Someone told her she looked fat in her silver and blue (dance cheer)outfit.She started starving herself and when she returned to Germany continued,the last I heard (from her exchange mom) she was flunking out of school from all the time in the hospital from her anorexia.She had been an advance student.Truly sad.The last time I saw her she had already gone from very fit,to very skinny.

A few days ago
it means that words are what could really hurt a person. That sometimes a physical scar can be heeled quicker than when someone hurts your feelings.

A few days ago
words can be worser than objects depending on how you use them.