A few days ago
I Love Lucy Fan

What does an Engineer mostly do? Does an engineer also draw and designs buildings?

I was just wondering; I wanted to make sure what an engineer mostly do.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

an engineer can specialize in almost anything and hence there is a very wide variety of things they do…

civil engineers usually work on buildings, runways, roads, bridges, etc

mechanical can do lots of things (dynamics, fluid flow, static, etc)

biomedical usually works on things for the medical field (I’m a biomedical engineer who works with orthopedics)

polymer usually concentrates on polymers and plastics

materials, computer, aero, etc…

check out the links below for more information


A few days ago
If you’re talking about buildings, that would be what they call a ‘structural engineer’ – he/she figures out what kind of “bones” a building needs–steel, beams, piers, concrete, and the like. The design is done by an architect, and the structural engineer figures out what is needed to make the building safe and strong. Drawings are done by the architectural draftsmen, and the drawings serve as the ‘recipe’ the building contractor uses to construct the building. There are engineering draftsmen too, and they put down on paper what the structural engineer requires. There are many many many kinds of engineer [electrical, mechanical, civil, soils, etc.] but they deserve their own explanation by other folks than me.

A few days ago
There are a number of different types of engineers depending on what business you’re in. There are electrical engineers, construction engineers, engineers who drive a train and many others. An architect draws and designs buildings.

A few days ago
There are bunches of different types of engineers (civil, computer, mechanical). You’re probably thinking about a civil engineer, who would in fact do a lot of drawing and designing of things like building and bridges.

A few days ago
There are all different types of engineers out there, and they all do extremely different things. Your description sounds like an architect. Engineers do a lot of drawing (nowadays, all on the computer) and designing, but they do things like fire hydrants, tires, swimming pools, nuclear reactors (I know mechanical engineers who have done all of these things). Buildings are an architect’s domain.

A few days ago
Here, read this. It will help:
