A few days ago

What are the possible positions if I work in a……..?

Do you know what are the names and roles of different positions of those who work in the e-Learning sections of universities that offer distance education.

I would like to know if someone is interested in working in such enviroments what are the name of the positions and what are the main responsibilities of each of those positions…..


Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Dhananjay S

Favorite Answer

Positions well I really don’t know, because different universities might offer different designations. But mostly the roll carried out by the person in such situation will be more or less like the roll carried out by our Rajesh Sir or Usha Mam in Welingkar. If the person have enough skill and knowledge in IT then probably other networking resources also he has to manage or I will say it may be other way round also; in some universities the person handling IT and networking (EDP Administrator) might have taking care of this function (Handling DLP related matters) also.