A few days ago
Lady Yumi

The birds and the Bees?

Why is it that whenever someone talks about sexual educations it is most tenderly known as the birds and the bees? I mean who came up with that tittle?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It s traditionally ok to mention animal activity in the biological sense, but not in the human sense.

Its just not so cool to actually admit that tweens and teens have bits they might like to examine, play around with, or rub up aginst each other.

Adults get hyper tense when they contemplate teen interactions on a biological level, so they settle foe :da boids and da bees” and pretend it aint gonna happen, right 🙂

Course head in the sand, dont qualify as an education anywhere. Stay cool, sex education (dang she said the words out loud) is just human biology.

See the sky didnt fall, you aint suddenly pregnant or a molester.

Dang aint dem boids singing sweet – if only people realised they was singing, “here I am come do the cha cha with me”


A few days ago
Like how the bees pollinate the flowers and the birds lay eggs. That is always what I was told it meant.